Amazon, Google and other tech giants now protecting radical Islam while censoring Christianity (SUNDAY LINK)


American Leftists are loathe to admit it because they are busy doing all they can to destroy our heritage and culture, but the United States was founded by followers of the Christian religion.

That’s not even debatable. What’s also not debatable is that those same Christian founders were well aware that not all humans believed in the same set of theological principles or the same god, and that is reflected in the First Amendment, which specifically prohibits local, state, and federal governments from establishing a monolithic official religion. 

But that constitutional prohibition doesn’t seem to be registering with the big tech, retail, and media platforms including Amazon, Google, and Twitter — probably because they are wholly owned and operated by the American Left.

While Christianity is downplayed and Christians themselves either discriminated againstopenly or otherwise discouraged from openly practicing and embracing their faith, adherents to other religions — like, say, Islam — face no such pressures. The big tech and retail firms have bent over backward to accommodate Muslim followers, but even that hasn’t been enough: They want more……..”


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