Will Our Lack of Humanity Be the END of Humanity? (LINK)

“………It seems that I can publish the most heart-wrenching thing and if it doesn’t fall in line with somebody’s political opinion, they can turn it around and say something that makes me doubt they even have a soul……..” -Daisy Luther [Read more from Daisy at link below]

Thanks Daisy!! 🙂

Will Our Lack of Humanity Be the END of Humanity?


I’ve seen the same thing. Thanks Daisy for expressing your feelings in this awesome tell-tale article. I believe (albeit very few) that there are still a few people that have souls left; that somehow they still have a natural compassion for the weaker more needy person. I hope that we have not dissed humans in favor of say, “trees, plants and animals;” while these are blessed in their own created right, they are not made in the image of God such as we are and we have hearts and emotions that can be expressed and even understood. No plant, vegetable or mineral can do that. As for animals, yes, they have souls I believe, but for the greater of humanity, I recommend we put people over animals always! Without us, they’rd be no them…at least happy ones. If there were no humans to be guardians, they’d be awful lonely“. -Moraldiplomat

About Daisy:

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